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Request for Estimate

※ We will definitely reply as soon as possible.

Category Selectable options Whether to purchase

If you want to purchase several sensors in the above list, please fill the required quantity in the box.

Camera & Camera Lens
Category Selectable options Whether to purchase

※ If you decide to purchase the sensor including accessories, we will check it and contact you for the options.

Category Selectable options
Camera Data Cable General
Camera Power Cable
LAN Cable

If you are unable to make a choice, please contact us in section above.

Category Selectable options

※ If you want to purchase an additional PC, please make the mark in selectable options.

Guidance on the collection and use of personal information

‘DeeDiim Sensors’ notifies and guides companies/organizations and individuals of the following information collection and use in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

1. Purpose of information collection : Consultation and Progress
2. Collection/Usage items : Name, Contact information, E-mail, Contents, etc.
3. Retention and use period : 6 months after the consultation, immediately upon request from the information provider for deletion
4. Person in charge of personal information processing : Phone 070-7739-3030 / Email info@deediim.com
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